Creative Studio Space Hackney Downs Studios Events Hackney Downs Studios

Queer Show & Tell

Coming up this September a week of theatre, film and experimentation in the Hackney Showroom. More rave reviews have come the Showrooms way throughout the summer, and now we a new schedule of left-field and experimental theatre coming up, we know September is going to be a big month for the theatre.

Check out the full schedule below and make sure to grab tickets ASAP...


8 Sept // Hoops

9 -12 Sept // hookup

9 – 11 Sept // Frau Monde – Farewell to the Theatre

12 Sept // Intimacy

12 Sept // Project Derby


8 & 10 Sept // Drag is my Ecstasy

9 & 11 Sept // Alexis: Blurred Lines // Val and Emily

9 Sept // Shannon

10 Sept // Call me Kuchu

11 Sept // I am Divine

12 Sept // Les Invisibles

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