Creative Studio Space Hackney Downs Studios Events Hackney Downs Studios

The Art of Career Suicide

How to quit your job and jump, a Chairman Kato lecture.

Hackney Downs Studios resident Chairman Kato is known as an artist and musician, but for many years he also had a double life working as a doctor in Accident and Emergency. It was an arrangement that worked well for much of that time but as he became more senior in the world of medicine Kato became increasingly conflicted about his future and felt trapped in between two worlds. He knew he wanted to become a full time artist but couldn't see how he could make it happen.

Then one day, at the start of 2014, Kato woke up one morning and abruptly ended his medical career, shocking his colleagues by announcing that he was now working as an artist. He had unwittingly made the biggest decision of his life.

Within a year he had been awarded an Arts Council grant and today continues to work across photography, painting, music and lecturing. He also runs an artist support group called the 100% Club.`

Following on from the sellout success of his 'Creative Health' lecture at Hackney Downs Studios, 'The Art of Career Suicide' will see Kato telling his story of how and why he finally decided to pursue his passions and what anyone with similar aspirations might learn from his baptism of fire.

Doors & drinks 7pm // Lecture 8pm // Q&A at The Russet arts cafe

Book tickets to guarantee entry - limited seating

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