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Spotlight on Spindle

Could you give us a little of the Spindle-story to set the scene?

HF: Spindle started in 2009, as a project at art college, it was a showcase for new creative talent, and a regression against having to know people to get somewhere in the creative industry. So many people I've met along the way at college, interning and freelancing have come from a family associated with someone within the industry, I didn't have that, and that really boils down to what Spindle's ethos is, promoting raw creative talent.

How long has Spindle been based in Hackney Downs Studios and what brought you to the area?

HF: We've been at Hackney Downs Studios almost three years now! My friend Koral who runs Lewis and Leigh PR was based in the Heartspace, and back when I was a stylist I used to visit them to pick up clothes for jobs. I loved the space and how creative it was, and starting to get frustrated from running the business out of my flat, so I enquired about the Heartspace. We've since moved into our own self-contained studio in Hackney Downs.

So you run a magazine and an agency! As well as wondering how you have the time, we were wondering if you could tell us a little more about the agency side of things?

HF: I'm a crazy person who works ALL THE TIME, I'm starting to get a better work/life balance, but when it's your own project and something you're passionate about it, it's hard not to. I also the most amazing team anyone could ask for, they're my support network, and also amazing friends.

The agency officially launched in 2015. We're a full-service media agency, and we offer insights, consultancy and strategy, creative content, events and PR. We have a hefty client list including UKTI, Dunlop, Kangol, Firetrap, Abi London, Lonsdale and USC. We've also previously worked with Sony and CAT Footwear.

You've been swapping Hackney for NYC quite a lot recently, are you just out there enjoying the vibe or is there a Spindle plan afoot?

HF: As well as enjoying the vibe, there's a plan, building up our team and offering to the US market, and our network globally. The Americans take business much more seriously than the Brits, I like it.

We've been beginning to hear whispers about some Brits in New York... can you let us into the plans just yet?!

HF: Yes, you can view all of the information here. The UKTI x Spindle are taking over 8 British mens brands to Liberty Fairs to show for the first time in New York, Spindle are supporting the mission and hosting an exclusive party celebrating #BritsinNewYork at Soho House New York.

New York is many things - but why's it next for Spindle?

HF: I think now more than ever is the time to celebrate British fashion, manufacturing, business and innovation. For Spindle, we've built up an amazing team over in New York, and our ethos is to support British creativity on a global level.

Word. Where's your favourite place to hang out in the city?

Sketchbook Project: also known as the Brooklyn Art Library, it's a library of sketchbooks that people from all over the world have submitted. I'm really excited that we're going to be working with these guys soon - so watch this space!

East River Beach: I love sitting on the East River Beach and looking over at the views of NYC, there's also a great little food market there every Saturday morning.

The New Museum: I wish I was around in the time of Andy Warhol and Lou Reed's parties, but I have to just dream@!This museum is great for discovering new artists and the whole Bowery area is great to wander around and grab a coffee.

If you had to give us some NYC top-tips what would they be?


What's next for Spindle? World Domination?!

HF: Why not! Building up to our global network! Sign up to our mailing list to discover how you can be involved with the magazine and agency. We're always looking for creatives to be involved in projects, and pitch to us for our agency clients.

Do you have something to say? Spindle are looking for photographers, writers, designers, illustrators and creatives of all kinds to get involved. Get in touch with thomas@spindlemagazine.com

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