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Shop online at zero-waste shop Re:Store from 8th November

Re:Store is joining forces with Unwrpd to bring you an online shop for zero waste essentials, to help you make your plastic-free lifestyle as convenient as possible.

Launching Friday 8th November, the Re:Store xUnwrpd online shop will stock the very best in zero waste, plastic-free alternatives to everyday products that are currently available to buy either on the Unwrpd website or at Re:Store.

Megan - founder and owner of zero-waste shop Re:Store, and Daniel - co-founder of sustainable online shop Unwrpd, were twice drawn to the same cause. They first met 6 years ago when they joined the same graduate recruitment scheme at a global management consultancy, only to independently fall for the zero waste lifestyle. They abandoned their corporate careers for a mission to help people to send less waste to landfill through zero-waste, package free products.

They reconnected by chance at a sustainability event and it became clear that Unwrpd and Re:Store share the
same mission and an opportunity to work together presented itself.

The Re:Store x Unwrpd online shop will stock a range of tried and tested products, that have already won over customers online and in store, such as bamboo toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner bars, deodorant, soaps and more.

Stay up to date via restorerefill.co.uk

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